Go Green! Please print on paper only when necessary.
At Irby & Heard, P.C., we believe in the importance of community. Fairhope is not just where we do business - it is our home. Every year, the United States consumes tons of paper and paperboard. The natural resources required to meet this demand are staggering. When you factor in how the production and transportation of these products affect our environment, it becomes even more imperative for everyone to do their part. It is for this reason that Irby & Heard, P.C., is taking the initiative to "go green" and become a paperless office.
Our goal is to reduce paper dependence and automate the processes by which we do this through a secure and legal mechanism. Unless required, we no longer set up new paper files. All of our documents are saved to our secure network on-site and are backed up each day. We are committed to protecting the privacy of our clients and to maintaining a secure environment in which to store and protect data. Going paperless also allows us to be more efficient and respond more promptly to the needs of our clients, which remains our top priority.
We invite you to click on the link below for a short presentation entitled "Going Paperless for the Law Office" to learn more.
View Presentation: PDF